Welcome to the 2012 Furnace Creek 508 Webcast produced by AdventureCORPS, Inc.

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We hope this gives you a little bit of the feeling of participating in this awesome race and challenging this one-of-a-kind race course. Congratulations and thank you, racers, crews, and staff!

The More Things Change...

In ultracycling, as in life, change is a constant. In this sport, improvements in equipment, along with advancements in nutritional strategies and training techniques have shortened the learning curve for new cyclists.

Fresh-faced riders populate the starting fields of ultra rides and races. With the passing of time and advancing years, familiar names and faces fade into the background, ready to be replaced by the next cadre of riders who step up to the challenge. That's not to say the seasoned riders aren't welcomed or embraced. They represent the soul of the sport; a treasure trove of resources and inspiration just a wheel away. Still, sport is sport, always ruled at the front of the pack by the young, hungry, and nimble.

But as always, a caveat: The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Cresting the Trona bump and descending into the vast expanse of the Panamint Valley, she leads the women's field by 15 minutes, pedaling her distinctive celeste green bike with purpose and poise that puts her experience on center stage. These roads are her theatre, and the actress is rightfully reluctant to fade into the wings. Seana Hoopoe Hogan at 53 rides with legs of a woman half her age.

And that woman...the one just over half Hoopoe's age, is a Jay-Bird fresh from the steamy South. Pink headband flowing underneath her helmet and washed in sweat from the afternoon sun, Jennifer Vogel flies the banner of that new cadre of riders. Now, she bides her time, perhaps hoping that the grande dame of the 508 will falter.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Some riders--and even their totem names alone--strike, if not fear, at very least respect in the hearts of their opponents. But one man...along with his totem...inspires smiles along with its accompanying dollop of respect. Wiener Dog, the king of consistency (and a multiple Death Valley Cup holder) is quick to smile and more quick to lend encouragement to his cycling brethren. Self-effacing, humble, and humorous, the qualities of the gentleman belie his mad cycling skills. On the road into Trona, Danny Westergaard flashes his million dollar smile...what else would you expect from the veteran rider who knows that it's just a bike ride.

Nighttime descends upon the 508 as the riders ascend--Towne Pass, that is. The veil of darkness falls, in an orchestrated harmony with the competitor's headlights and reflective gear. Digging deep, Cricket, Crow, Siberian Tiger, Ram, and Bone Dog make the climb, pursuing their leader, Rock Rabbit, who makes his descent toward Stovepipe Wells before the sun has a chance to hide. The Valley of Death awaits...as does 297 more miles in the saddle.